well well, iv decided that making corsets on their own just isn't going to cut the mustard, or pay the rent, or pay for anything for that matter, so im branching out, into STUFF that girls like. im going to make cutesey one offs and little pocket money buys, and things for boys to buy for their sweethearts. yes.
and to start...i have these little tins.. you cant know what for yet, its a surprise, but you will see ;) i have 31 in all, all different sizes, some much bigger, the size of a quality street tin, and some teeeeeny tiny! god love ebay!!
aaannnddd i also have some bluuueeee gingham fabric, like...dark dark blue, in a wide check, which i wanna make some vintage inspired dresses from.
aaaannnddd im doing something AWESOME CUTE with some tea cups. watch this space.....
love xxx